New on our Trafficking Survivor Reintegration Global Grant
- They are reaching out to community organizations, churches, and Rotary clubs for on-site meetings/events at the boutique. This is a way to engage community members in knowing more about human trafficking and how the proceeds from their purchases will go directing to helping survivors reintegrate back in the community and work force. The first event will be held on Saturday, Nov. 13th. They need five (6 ft long) tables, 50 folding chairs and black tablecloths. It would be great if your Rotary Club can donate any of these items.
- A volunteer from the boutique and training center will be scheduling two Rotarians and two community members for Zoom meeting workshops with survivors providing information on how to address pediatric (0-18 years old) emergency needs at home, how to fill out an employee application, and how to build a resume and interview skills. Plus, two individuals from Pawnee Mental Health will facilitate a "what we do now and how to move forward" workshop. These will take place near the end of October.
- One survivor from the reintegration program has a job at UPS. We are looking at incorporating survivors as interns at the boutique to gain skills in retail and customer service.