As mentioned in last Friday's meeting, your Lenexa Rotary Foundation has partnered with the PTA of Rosehill, Rising Star and Lenexa Hills elementary schools, as well as Western Johnson County Rotary Club (WJCRC), to provide a Little Free Library at each school. Thank you to the club board for wanting to be involved in advancing education through reading in our community. And thanks to the Foundation board for their willingness to fund the entire project should we not come up with a funding partner. As it turned out, our two Lenexa Rotary clubs will split the cost 50/50. A nameplate will be added to each library indicating the PTA and our two Rotary club names. No installation date has been determined. However, an effort will be made to coincide with existing school reading events, delivery and installation dates. Stay tuned for updates as they become available.

A personal thank you to Cassandra Cyril. She was a guest several times at our club meetings because her family just moved to Lenexa from Colorado where her husband is a Rotarian. Having heard during our meetings what we are involved in, and as a Rosehill parent, she reached out to me this past summer to see if we had an interest in helping Rosehill PTA with this project. This is how Rotary makes a difference in our communities! Opportunity is everywhere. So if you have an idea, explore it. If someone asks us for help, tell them you will explore it. Then talk to one of the Foundation board members. You r Lenexa Rotary Foundation is here for our community.
Lenet Compton, President
The Lenexa Rotary Foundation